I recently received an email from Chuck Baldwin1 entitled "You Might be a Constitutionalist if…." I took his thirty-question test contained therein and failed miserably. I am definitely not a Constitutionalist, and I hope you’re not either!
Please consider the following response to Mr. Baldwin’s comments and questionnaire. In no fashion is this meant to insult or demean him; I appreciate many of his common-sense commentaries. However, when it comes to this issue, I believe he is in error and is even subtly contributing to America’s problems.
Most of Baldwin’s readers would agree that a return to the constitutional form of government that some of our founding fathers had in mind would be an undeniable improvement upon what it has evolved into today. But therein is the problem, not the solution. The Constitution was a Pandora’s Box that opened the door to the plight in which modern-day America finds herself. Even with the Constitution being what many people consider man’s best attempt at government, it was inevitable for it to devolve into what it has become today. Therefore a return to a constitutional form of government would only begin the process all over again, and we would be simply passing our or similar problems on to another generation of Americans.
Pandora’s box was opened when the framers of the United States Constitution chose man’s best rather than Yahweh’s2 best. Rather than just giving Him lip service, it is time for Christians3 to begin living as if they truly believed that Yahweh’s kingdom and His laws are perfect:
The law of YHWH4 is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of YHWH is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of YHWH are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of YHWH is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of YHWH is clean, enduring forever: the judgments of YHWH are true and righteous altogether. Psalm 19:7-9
Many churches contribute to the problem by teaching that Yahweh’s laws under the New Covenant have been abolished. However, the author of Hebrews, quoting the prophet Jeremiah, described the New Covenant as Yahweh’s laws written on the hearts and minds of today’s Christian Israelites5:
For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith YHWH, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith YHWH. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith YHWH; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people. Hebrews 8:8-106
The Apostle Paul asked and answered the following rhetorical question:
Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. Romans 3:31
Because Yahweh’s laws are perfect, they cannot be improved upon by adulterating them with man’s constitutions or other amendments, no matter how good they may at first appear. It ultimately comes down to a choice between the document that begins "We the people…." and the one that begins "In the beginning God…." Regrettably, the framers of the Constitution and well-meaning people today, such as Baldwin, appeal to the former inferior option, which, at the best, can only put a band-aide on the problems we face today. Christians must appeal to the Word of God and particularly the perfect laws of Yahweh.
With this premise in mind, let us proceed to Baldwin’s opening remarks. He began by pointing out that for "more than thirty years" he has been "a student of American history, constitutional government, and the Holy Bible." There is certainly nothing wrong with studying any or all of these areas. However, I find the order in which they were listed interesting in that he placed American history and constitutional government before the Bible. Perhaps this order is only indicative of Baldwin’s personal progression in study. However, for far too many Christian patriots, this is the order and priority in which they study; and consequently they are more fluent in American history and the U.S. Constitution than they are in the Bible.
Baldwin went on to write that those three areas of study led him to "the conviction that the two major political parties in this country are equally culpable in stripping America of its founding principles." A person does not need to be a student of the Constitution to discern this erosion of early America’s guiding principles – a study of the Bible and American history alone will lead a person to the same conclusion. Furthermore, what Baldwin and many other Constitutionalists fail to understand is that America’s founding principles came from the 1600s, not the 1700s. And those principles were biblical, not constitutional. Better stated, America’s original constitution was the Bible alone. At that time, there was minimal interference from King George across the Atlantic Ocean. But thanks to the Constitution, we now have "King" George in our back pocket, further stripping away our freedoms.
Baldwin went on to write that "In my opinion, both the Democrat and Republican parties … have zero fidelity to the U.S. Constitution and zero respect for America’s founding precepts." Much more consequential is their ignorance and lack of fidelity to the Bible and the laws of Yahweh.
Later Baldwin declared that "both major parties have become impotent and irrelevant when it comes to representing constitutional principles…." I wholeheartedly agree that both the Democrats and the Republicans have become impotent and irrelevant, but the reason for their impotence and irrelevance is because they do not represent Yahweh’s perfect laws.
Following is Baldwin’s test to determine whether the reader is a Constitutionalist. My comments are inserted between each question.
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that elected leaders should really obey the U.S. Constitution.
You might be a Christian if you believe that biblically qualified leaders should be appointed, not elected.7 Constitutionalists desire elected officials who will faithfully obey the U.S. Constitution, whereas Bible believing Christians desire the day when biblically qualified Christian men will truly obey and enforce the laws of Yahweh.
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that before the United States invades and occupies another country, Congress must first declare war.
You might be a Christian if you believe that we should not invade and occupy another country unless mandated or authorized by Yahweh, nor should we go to war with another nation unless it invades us or otherwise endangers our national sovereignty.8
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe the federal government should live within its means, like everyone else is forced to do.
What "means" is Baldwin referring to – those collected from income, property and other non-biblical confiscatory taxes? You might be a Christian if you believe the only biblical tax is the tithe on one’s increase.9
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you think that taking away people’s liberties in the name of security is neither patriotic nor does it make the country more secure.
You might be a Christian if you think that taking away people’s liberties in the name of security is neither biblical nor does it make the country more secure. Freedom is a biblical not a constitutional or patriotic issue. Only Yahweh can provide genuine freedom in both spirit and person (John 8:36, 1 Corinthians 7:21-23).
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you would like to see politicians be forced to abide by the same laws they make everyone else submit to.
You might be a Christian if you want to see all politicians replaced by biblically appointed leaders who must write out their own copy of Yahweh’s laws, read them daily, abide by them, and then see that they are enforced.10
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you understand that we have three coequal branches of government that are supposed to hold each other in check and balance.
You might be a Christian if you understand that all three branches of government reside in Yahweh as described in Isaiah 33:22 – "For Yahweh is our judge [judicial], Yahweh is our lawgiver [legislative], Yahweh is our king [executive]…." All power and authority reside in Yahweh, He is His own check and balance, and He does not answer to anyone. Furthermore, only biblically qualified appointed men have authority to represent Yahweh and His kingdom in these three areas.
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe the federal government has no authority to be involved in education or law enforcement.
You might be a Christian if you believe that according to Deuteronomy 6:6-7 and Ephesians 6:4 that government has no authority to be involved in education.
Furthermore, you might be a Christian if you believe according to Romans 13:3-411 and 1 Timothy 1:8-11 that government, composed of biblically qualified appointed men, do have authority to be involved in law enforcement, i.e., the expeditious punishment of criminals (Ecclesiastes 8:11), who are found guilty by biblical judicial protocol.12
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that gun-control laws do nothing but aid and abet criminals while trampling the rights and freedoms of law-abiding citizens.
You might be a Christian if you believe the right and responsibility to bear arms comes from Yahweh, not the U.S. Constitution.13
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that the income tax is both unconstitutional and immoral and, along with the I.R.S., should be abolished.
You might be a Christian if you believe income, property and other confiscatory taxes are both unbiblical and immoral and, along with the I.R.S., should be abolished.14
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe the federal government had no authority to tell Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore that he could not display a monument containing the Ten Commandments in the Alabama Judicial Building in Montgomery.
You might be a Christian if you if you believe that all American justices should be enforcing the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and judgments, and that any judge who refuses to do so should be immediately removed from his bench.
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that neither Congress nor the White House nor any sovereign state is required to submit to unconstitutional Supreme Court rulings such as the Roe v Wade decision.
You might be a Christian if you believe that no one is required to submit to any unbiblical court decision, such as Roe v Wade,15 and that any judge who makes such a ruling should be immediately removed from his bench.
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you understand that freedom has nothing to do with illegal immigration.
You might be a Christian if you believe that Christian nations should be segregated. The more integrated America has become, the more multicultural she has become, and the more multicultural she has become, the more non-Christian she has become.16
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you understand that outsourcing American jobs overseas is not good for America.
You might be a Christian if you understand that business partnerships with non-Christians and non-Israelites are violations of the Word of God and are transgressions of the First Commandment.17
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that the United States should get out of the United Nations and get the United Nations out of the United States.
You might be a Christian if you believe that the United States has no business making treaties with any non-Christian or non-Israelite nations including those participating in the United Nations.18
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that it is not unconstitutional for children in public schools to pray or read the Bible.
You might be a Christian if you believe Yahweh intends parents to teach their own children. Government schools are not biblical, and no one should be taxed to pay for the education of someone else’s children. Public school prayer and Bible reading is not the issue.
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that the Boy Scouts are not a threat to America.
You might be a Christian if you believe according to Leviticus 20:13 that sodomy is a capital crime and that all biblically convicted practicing homosexuals should be publicly executed. The Boy Scouts’ policies regarding homosexuals is not the issue.19
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that the federal government should honor its commitments to America’s veterans.
You might be a Christian if you believe that every able-bodied man, twenty years and older, is automatically enlisted in America’s militia and is expected at any given time to defend himself, his family and his nation.20
You might furthermore be a Christian if you do not buy into the idea that even if we do not support the President in his cause that we must support our troops in an ungodly war. Christians should pray that Yahweh will allow our troops to return home as soon as possible, and that He will not judge them and America too harshly for this unjustified war of aggression.
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that U.S. troops should never serve under foreign commanders or wear the uniform or insignia of the United Nations.
You might be a Christian if you believe that the United States has no business making treaties with any non-Christian or non-Israelite nation and that according to Deuteronomy 17:15, non-Israelites should never be appointed to rule over Israelites in any capacity.21
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that the federal government has no business bribing churches and faith-based organizations with federal tax dollars.
You might be a Christian if you believe that the government has no business licensing churches or ministries in the first place. Furthermore, you might be a Christian if you believe that churches have no business entering into a symbiotic relationship with government via the 501(c)(3) tax exempt status provided by government.22
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that federal agents who murder American citizens should be held to the same laws and punishments that any other citizen would be held to.
You might be a Christian if you believe that there should be no federal agents in America, and that all people should be judged equally under the laws of Yahweh.
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you understand that NAFTA, GATT, the WTO, and FTAA are disastrous compromises of America’s national sovereignty and independence.
You might be a Christian if you understand that the United States has no business making treaties with any non-Christian or non-Israelite nation.23
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you would like to see Congressmen and Senators be required to actually read a bill before passing it into law.
You might be a Christian if you would like to see all politicians replaced by biblically appointed leaders who must write out their own copy of Yahweh’s laws, read them daily, abide by them, and then see that they are enforced.24
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you understand that it is the job of government to protect and secure God-given rights not use its power to take those rights away.
You might be a Christian if you understand that punishing all criminals convicted of transgressing Yahweh’s laws secures and protects our God-given rights.
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you understand that there is nothing unconstitutional with the public acknowledgement of God and our Christian heritage.
You might be a Christian if you understand that public acknowledgement of God and our Christian heritage is a duty and it makes it no difference to you whether the Constitution sanctions it or not.
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that in the beginning God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.
You might be a Christian if you believe that sodomy is an abomination and a capital crime against Yahweh and society.
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that airport screeners have no business touching women’s breasts and confiscating fingernail clippers.
You might be a Christian if you believe that all able-bodied Christian men should be armed without government licensing and that had they been, the 9/11 hijackings would have never occurred and women would not be subjected to such humiliation in today’s airports.
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that many public schools’ "zero-tolerance" policies are just plain stupid.
You might be a Christian if you believe that America should have no public schools whatsoever. "Zero-tolerance" policies are not the issue.
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that parents have a right to home school their children.
You might be a Christian if you do not believe in public schools at all and that only parents or someone delegated by a child’s father should be teaching his children.
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that government seizure of private property is plain old fashioned thievery.
You might be a Christian if you believe that government seizure of private property, whether as a consequence of property taxes or any other reason, is plain old-fashioned thievery.25
- You might be a Constitutionalist if you would like to meet one single Congressman or Senator besides Ron Paul who acts as if he or she has ever read the U.S. Constitution.
You might be a Christian if you would like to meet one single Congressman or Senator, including Ron Paul and America’s preachers, who act as if he has read the Bible, in particular Yahweh’s laws. Any man26 unwilling to read, write, abide by, and enforce Yahweh’s laws should be immediately removed from his position of leadership in American government.
Mr. Baldwin concluded his questionnaire by asking, "Well, how did you fare? Are you a Constitutionalist? If you are, why not consider joining the Constitution Party? Check out their website at:
www.constitutionparty.com."If you claim to be a practicing Christian, why not, instead, join the effort to help establish Yahweh’s kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven, based solely upon His laws. Although the Constitutionalists fall short of Yahweh’s perfect laws in some areas, they do have some things in common with genuine Christianity. But here’s the point – Constitutionalists are superfluous if Christians would just begin conducting themselves like Christians.
We do not have to be Constitutionalists or even Christian Constitutionalists to achieve many of things that Mr. Baldwin wants to see accomplished, we simply need to be a Bible-practicing Christians. If Christendom would quit believing the lies that Christians should not be involved in government affairs and that the laws of Yahweh have been abolished, if they would get their heads out of the clouds and begin fulfilling what they pray "…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," they would not need the U.S. Constitution to accomplish any of those things. The only constitution that genuine Christians need is the one that opens "In the beginning God…."
An expanded audio version of this article, entitled "You Might be A Christian If..." is available on CD or cassette tape. It may be purchased or ordered on a listen-and-return basis. Fill out and send in the order form. Or you may request the same by title by emailing here.
1. Chuck Baldwin was presidential candidate Michael Peroutka’s running mate on the Constitutional Party ticket for 2004. He may be contacted at
www.chuckbaldwinlive.com.2. "Yahweh" is the personal Hebrew name of the God of the Bible. For a more thorough explanation concerning the use of the sacred names of God, The Third Commandment may be read at www.missiontoisrael.org/3rdcom-pt1.php, or Thou shalt not take the name of Yahweh thy God in vain, by Ted R. Weiland, may ordered as a book from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363 for a suggested $4 donation.*
3. Not everyone claiming to be a Christian has been properly instructed in the biblical plan of salvation. Therefore, in many instances the designation "Christian" is used in a generic sense only. Mark 16:15-16, Acts 2:36-41, 22:1-16, Romans 6:3-4, Galatians 3:26-27 and 1 Peter 3:21 should be studied in order to understand what is required for salvation in Yeshua the Christ. For more information concerning baptism and its relationship to salvation, Baptism by the Scriptures may be read here, or it may be ordered as a free tract from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363.
4. Where the Tetragrammaton YHWH – the four Hebrew characters that represent the personal name of God – has been incorrectly rendered the LORD or GOD in Scripture, I have taken the liberty to correct this error by inserting YHWH where appropriate. For a more thorough explanation concerning the use of the sacred names of God, The Third Commandment may be read at www.missiontoisrael.org/3rdcom-pt1.php, or Thou shalt not take the name of Yahweh thy God in vain, by Ted R. Weiland, may ordered as a book from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363 for a suggested $4 donation.*
5. God’s Covenant People: Yesterday, Today and Forever, by Ted R. Weiland, provides a documented dissertation identifying Israel with today’s Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian and kindred peoples. The majority of God’s Covenant People may be read online at
http://www.missiontoisrael.org/ gods-covenant-people/tableofcontents.php, or it mat be obtained in its entirety as a book from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363. Suggested donation: hard cover – $23.00, soft cover – $14.00.*6. For a more thorough explanation concerning Yahweh’s laws as they apply to today, Yah’s Laws: Are They for Today? and The Perfect Law of Liberty may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/yahs-laws-1.php and https://missiontoisrael.org/law-of-liberty.php. Yah’s Laws: Are They for Today? is also available as a free tract from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363.7. For a more thorough explanation concerning appointment versus election, To Vote or Not to Vote? may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/vote.php.8. For a more thorough explanation concerning the biblical laws of warfare, The Sixth Commandment may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/6thcom.php.9. For a more thorough explanation concerning biblical taxes, The Second Commandment and The Fourth Commandment may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/secondcom.php and https://missiontoisrael.org/ 4thcom.php, or Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image and Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy may be obtained as books from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363 for a suggested $4 donation each.*10. For a list of these and other biblical qualifications for leaders, To Vote or Not to Vote? may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/vote.php.11. Christian Duty Under Corrupt Government: A Revolutionary Commentary on Romans 13:1-7, by Ted R. Weiland, provides a detailed commentary on Romans 13:1-7. Christian Duty may be obtained from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363 for a suggested $7 donation.
12. For a more thorough explanation concerning biblical judicial protocol, Capital Punishment: Deterrent or Catalyst? may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/capital-punishment.php, or it may be obtained as a book from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363 for a suggested $2 donation.*13. For a more thorough explanation concerning the biblical right and responsibility to bear arms, Firearms: Scripturally Defended may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/firearm-right.php.14. For a more thorough explanation concerning biblical taxes, The Second Commandment and The Fourth Commandment may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/secondcom.php and https://missiontoisrael.org/ 4thcom.php, or Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image and Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy may be obtained as books from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363 for a suggested $4 donation each.15. Christian Duty Under Corrupt Government: A Revolutionary Commentary on Romans 13:1-7, by Ted R. Weiland, provides a more thorough explanation concerning the type of governments that Christians are not obligated to submit to. Christian Duty may be obtained from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363 for a suggested $7 donation.*
16. For a more thorough explanation concerning segregation, The First Commandment, The Third Commandment and The Seventh Commandment may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/first-commandment.php, https://missiontoisrael.org/3rdcom-pt1.php and https://missiontoisrael.org/7thcom-pt1.php respectively. Thou shalt have no other gods before me and Thou shalt not take the name of Yahweh thy God in vain may also be obtained as books from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363 for a suggested $4 donation each.*17. For a more thorough explanation concerning not covenanting with non-Christians and non-Israelites, The First Commandment may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/first-commandment.php, or Thou shalt have no other gods before me may be obtained as a book from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363 for a suggested $4 donation.*18. For a more thorough explanation on not making treaties with non-Christian and non-Israelite nations, The First Commandment may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/first-commandment.php, or Thou shalt have no other gods before me may be obtained as a book from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363 for a suggested $4 donation.*19. For a list of all crimes identified in the Bible as punishable by death, Capital Punishment: Deterrent or Catalyst? may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/capital-punishment.php, or it may be obtained as a book from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363 for a suggested $2 donation.*20. For a more thorough explanation concerning self-defense, Firearms: Scripturally Defended may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/firearm-right.php, and for a more thorough explanation concerning biblical warfare, The Sixth Commandment may be read at https://missiontoisrael.org/6thcom.php.21. For a more thorough explanation concerning not making treaties with non-Christians and non-Israelites, The First Commandment may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/first-commandment.php, and for the biblical qualifications for leaders, To Vote or Not to Vote may be read at https://missiontoisrael.org/ vote.php. Thou shalt have no other gods before me may also be obtained as a book from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363 for a suggested $4 donation.*22. For a more thorough explanation concerning the 501(c)(3) tax exempt status, The Second Commandment may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/secondcom.php, or Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image may be obtained as a book from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363 for a suggested $4 donation.*23. For a more thorough explanation concerning not making treaties with non-Christians and non-Israelites, The First Commandment may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/first-commandment.php, or Thou shalt have no other gods before me may be obtained as book from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363 for a suggested $4 donation.*24. For a list of the biblical qualifications for leaders, To Vote or Not to Vote may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/vote.php.25. For a more thorough explanation concerning property taxes, The Fourth Commandment may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/4thcom.php, or Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy may be obtained as a book from Mission to Israel Ministries, PO Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363 for a suggested $4 donation.*26. According to the Bible, only biblically qualified men are to be in positions of leadership. For more on Yahweh’s patriarchal system, To Vote or Not to Vote may be read at
https://missiontoisrael.org/vote.php.*Although there is a suggested price for our books, we do not sell them. We are admonished in Proverbs 23:23 to "buy truth, and sell it not" and in Matthew 10:8 "freely ye have received, freely give." This ministry is supported by freewill tithes and offerings in keeping with 2 Corinthians 9:7. If you cannot afford the suggested price, simply inform us of your situation and we will be pleased to provide you with whatever you need for whatever you can send.
An expanded audio version of this article, entitled "You Might be A Christian If..." is available on CD or cassette tape. It may be purchased or ordered on a listen-and-return basis. Fill out and send in an order form.